Табулатура в формате Guitar Pro , содержащая следующие дорожки:

Rick Medlocke Vocals
Synth Bass 2

Greg T. Walker Vocals

Jakson Spires Vocals

Rick Medlocke Guitar
Electric Guitar (muted]

Charlie Hargrett Guitar
Electric Guitar (muted]

Rick Medlocke outro solos
Electric Guitar (muted]

Greg T. Walker Bass
Acoustic Bass

Jakson Spires Drums
oo-oo-oo Oh Yeah Yeah Yeah Ah She was a roll-er and a mid-night stroll-er used to walk in the ni-gh-t a lit-tle te-aser full time pl-ea-s-er stan-din\' un-der the light loo-kin\' for a bu-yer that was loo-kin\' to hi-re ooh her servic-es day or ni-ght yeah and she\'s payin\' for it now ah payin\'forit now Come a day when her looks fad-ed a-way her out-side bea-uty was go-ne yet in-si-de still had her pri-de don\'t you know life go-es o-o-n tryin\' to stay you-ng al-ways on the ru-un liv-in\' her life in the stre-ets now they look a-wa-y this is the price that she pa-ys She\'s pay-in\' for it She\'s pay-in\' for it no-ow ah She\'s pay-in\' for it She\'s pay-in\' for it no-ow Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah oh She\'s pay-in\' for it She\'s pay-in\' for it no-ow ah She\'s pay-in\' for it She\'s pay-in\' for it no-ow oh pay-in for it no-o-w She\'s pay-in\' for it She\'s pay-in\' for it no-ow ah She\'s pay-in\' for it She\'s pay-in\' for it no-ow